Israel Science and Technology Directory

Israel Companies

Israel & Judaica gift companies – Jewelry
Company - Telephone
Products, Fields of specialty
Ajudaica – (972).3.6197562

Jewish jewelry - Star of david pendants, Hebrew name necklaces, Jewish rings, Hamsa necklaces and Mezuzah pendants.

Hadad Bros. Pure Silver – (972).3.6742566

Silver Judaica items including menorahs, candlesticks, kiddush cups, kiddush goblets, decanters, wine fountain, etrog boxes, honey dishes, seder trays, megilah cases, mezuza cases, mayim achronim, natlot, havdalah sets, salt dishes, vases, bowls, trays.

Bnei Brak
Hazorfim – (972).8.9186633

Manufacturer of pure silver Judaica artifacts handmade by a group of artists specializing in craftsmanship of silver metal. Sterling silver items include candle holders, tableware, dishes, gifts, religious articles.

Kfar Daniel
Rothem Diamonds – (972).54.3974466

Diamond and fine jewelry manufacturer. Wedding and engagement rings. Diamond pendants and necklaces. Jewelry with pearls.

Yemenite Art – (972).3.6835336

Jewelry with traditional Yemenite motifs. Products include pins and pendants, bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, Roman glass and gold jewelry.

Tel Aviv