Israel Science and Technology Directory

EducationHigher Education

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Colleges of Education
AL-Qasemi Academic CollegeBaqa-El-Gharbia
Arab College for EducationHaifa04.8303500
Beit Berl CollegeBeit Berl09.7476333
David Yellin College of EducationJerusalem02.6558111
Efrata College of EducationJerusalem1.800.800204
Emuna College of EducationJerusalem02.6733767
Givat Washington College of EducationGivat Washington08.8511900
Gordon College of EducationHaifa04.8590111
Hemdat College of EducationNetivot08.9937666
Herzog Academic CollegeAlon Shvut02.9937333
Israeli College of Sport
Jerusalem College MichlalaJerusalem02.6750911
Kaye College of EducationBeer-Sheva08.6402777
Kibbutzim College of EducationTel Aviv03.6901200
Levinsky College of EducationTel Aviv03.6901690
Lifsihz Religious College of EducationJerusalem02.5679567
Mofet - Consortium of Colleges of Education03.9001333
NB Haifa School of DesignHaifa04.8562555
Ohalo College of EducationKatzrin04.6825000
Oranim Academic College of EducationTivon04.9838811
Orot Yisrael College - ElkanaElkana03.9061207
Shaanan Academic Religious Teachers' Training CollegeHaifa04.8780000
Talpiot College of EducationTel Aviv03.5128540

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