Israel Science and Technology Directory


Art Associations
@ Music associations
Animation Guild of Israel
Association for the promotion of Jewish Theater054.4650808
Association of Plastic Artists03.5223045
SHAHAMAssociation of Screen Artists in Israel03.6290065
Editors Guild of Israel077.4810350
Graphic Design Association of Israel054.5610321
ACTIsrael Association of Cinema and Television Professionals03.6201474
Israel Association of Illustrators04.6201960
Israel Designer Craftsmen's Association
Israel Film and Television Directors Guild077.4181600
Israeli Association of Impresarios and Producers09.9503966
Israeli Society of Magicians052.2802433
IUPAIsraeli Union of Performing Artists03.6877825
Jerusalem Artists' House02.6253653
Scriptwriters Guild of Israel03.5669457

@ List of associations in other subjects.