| Antibody Society |
AMEE | Association for Medical Education in Europe |
EMS | European Microscopy Society |
EMBnet | European Molecular Biology Network |
EMBO | European Molecular Biology Organization |
ESPE | European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology |
ESE | European Society of Endocrinology |
ESHG | European Society of Human Genetics |
ESHRE | European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology |
FEBS | Federation of European Biochemical Societies |
FESPB | Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology |
GA4GH | Global Alliance for Genomics and Health |
GPC | Global Plant Council |
HUPO | Human Proteome Organization |
ICO | International Carbohydrate Organization |
ICMJE | International Committee of Medical Journal Editors |
IFCB | International Federation for Cell Biology |
IFBLS | International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science |
IFSHC | International Federation of Societies for Histochemistry and Cytochemisty |
IFSM | International Federation of Societies for Microscopy |
ISAC | International Society for Advancement of Cytometry |
ISCB | International Society for Computational Biology |
ISHPSSB | International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology |
ISHAM | International Society for Human and Animal Mycology |
IS-MPMI | International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions |
ISN | International Society for Neurochemistry |
ISSCR | International Society for Stem Cell Research |
ISSX | International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics |
ISDB | International Society of Developmental Biologists |
ISD | International Society of Differentiation |
ISE | International Society of Endocrinology |
ISOP | International Society of Protistologists |
ISOAD | International Society on Aging and Disease |
IUPESM | International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine |
IUPHAR | International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology |
IUBMB | International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
IUBS | International Union of Biological Sciences |
IUIS | International Union of Immunological Societies |
IUMS | International Union of Microbiological Societies |
IUPS | International Union of Physiological Sciences |
IUTOX | International Union of Toxicology |
| RNA Society |
SFH | Society for Histochemistry |
SMB | Society for Mathematical Biology |
IASO | World Obesity Federation |