Israel Science and Technology Directory

Israel Phone system and dialing codes

International calls TO Israel

The international dialing code for Israel is 972. To dial TO Israel from abroad, first dial the international dialing access code that is specific for your country (for example 00), then dial 972 followed by the area code and local number. When dialing within Israel, the local area code starts with a zero, "0". In dialing to Israel, omit the 0 before the area code. For example, a number dialed as 03.1234567 within Israel, should be dialed as 972.3.1234567 from outside of Israel.

Dialing FROM Israel

To dial a number abroad enter:
Service provider code + country code + area code + number
In Israel there are several international telephony operators. When dialing an international call from Israel, a prefix code of the form "01X" has to be added before the country code.

CodeService providerCustomer service
00Default service (if registered)
012012 Smile072.2009210
013013 Cellcom04.8560660
014Bezeq International076.5014014
019019 mobile1.800.019019