| >> Also see: Plant Species Databases |
Directory | AQUAMAPS - Global spatial database on water and agriculture |
Directory | AQUASTAT - FAO's global water information system |
Directory | Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Directory |
Directory | FAO Databases and Information Systems |
Directory | Farmland Information Center |
Directory | Garden Simply - Best Gardening Tools and Supplies |
Directory | Portal for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture |
Directory | Poultry diseases |
Directory | Stackyard - Agriculture on the web |
Directory | Tractor Friends |
Directory | World maps on land and soils issues such as land cover, land use, problem soils and dominant soils |
Glossary | FAO Term Portal |
History | A Brief Chronology of Wine Making in Israel |
History | Tnuva - History of Dairy products company |
Journal abstracts | AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) - bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library |
Laws | Laws, regulations and procedures in agriculture |
Plants | Ornamental Plants Potentially Invasive in Israel's Natural Ecosystems |
Reference | Database of pesticides (in Hebrew) |
Reference | EURISCO - web-based catalogue of information about ex situ plant collections maintained in Europe |
Reference | EVOLution of TREEs as drivers |
Reference | Floridata - Encyclopedia of Plants and Nature |
Reference | Global Agro-Ecological Zones |
Reference | Global network for information and properties on agrochemicals |
Reference | International Plant Names Index (IPNI) |
Reference | Labels for pesticides (in Hebrew) |
Reference | Medicinal plants of the Bible |
Reference | Pesticide Properties Database |
Reference | Seed Information Database |
Statistics | Food and Agriculture Organization database (FAOSTAT) |
Statistics | Israel Agriculture Statistics |