Israel Science and Technology Directory


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>> Also see: Plant Species Databases
DirectoryAQUAMAPS - Global spatial database on water and agriculture
DirectoryAQUASTAT - FAO's global water information system
DirectoryAgricultural Machinery and Equipment Directory
DirectoryFAO Databases and Information Systems
DirectoryFarmland Information Center
DirectoryGarden Simply - Best Gardening Tools and Supplies
DirectoryPortal for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
DirectoryPoultry diseases
DirectoryStackyard - Agriculture on the web
DirectoryTractor Friends
DirectoryWorld maps on land and soils issues such as land cover, land use, problem soils and dominant soils
GlossaryFAO Term Portal
HistoryA Brief Chronology of Wine Making in Israel
HistoryTnuva - History of Dairy products company
Journal abstractsAGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) - bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library
LawsLaws, regulations and procedures in agriculture
PlantsOrnamental Plants Potentially Invasive in Israel's Natural Ecosystems
ReferenceDatabase of pesticides (in Hebrew)
ReferenceEURISCO - web-based catalogue of information about ex situ plant collections maintained in Europe
ReferenceEVOLution of TREEs as drivers
ReferenceFloridata - Encyclopedia of Plants and Nature
ReferenceGlobal Agro-Ecological Zones
ReferenceGlobal network for information and properties on agrochemicals
ReferenceInternational Plant Names Index (IPNI)
ReferenceLabels for pesticides (in Hebrew)
ReferenceMedicinal plants of the Bible
ReferencePesticide Properties Database
ReferenceSeed Information Database
StatisticsFood and Agriculture Organization database (FAOSTAT)
StatisticsIsrael Agriculture Statistics