Israel Science and Technology Directory


Engineering Associations
@ Technology
ASCEAmerican Society of Civil Engineers - Israel section054.7962725
AEAIAssociation of Engineers and Architects in Israel03.5240274
Federation of Practical Engineers03.6921470
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers03.6407286
IICHEIsrael Institute of Chemical Engineers04.8292826
IOCEAIsrael Organization of Consulting Engineers and Architects03.5236289
Israel Welding Committee
IAACIsraeli Association for Automatic Control
IACIEIsraeli Association of Construction and Infrastructure Engineers03.7524075
INCOSE_ILIsraeli Chapter for Systems Engineering03.6889216
ORSISOperations Research Society of Israel04.8705557
SEEEISociety of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel03.6134116
Union of Engineers and Architects03.6961831

@ List of associations in other subjects.