Israel Science and Technology Directory

Transportation Companies

Transportation Companies – Automotive
Company – Telephone
Products, Fields of specialty
Asfir – (972).4.6528995

Orthopedic hydraulic seats and suspension seats for vehicles. 4X4 products: skid plates for off road vehicles, side protectors, ATL winch bumper, tubular winch bumpers, rear bumpers and towing devices, hi-lift jack and base plate.

Tel Adashim
Ashot Ashkelon – (972).8.6721505

Gear drives and transmission systems. Automatic transmissions for heavy vehicles, gear assemblies for aerospace applications, short and long shafts for jet engines and gas turbine engines. Hydraulic and mechanical PTO's. Clutch independent drives.

Carmel Cables – (972).3.8566790

Various cables for American, Japanese and European cars. Accelerator cables, clutch cables. Shift cables to control park, neutral, drive and reverse positions. Hood and trunk release cables.

Bat Yam
M.R.M Computerized Vehicle Information – (972).9.7488666

Software and information services for motor vehicle related field. MultiCat - Electronic parts catalog, comprising of a vehicle parts information database and software package.

Hod HaSharon
Mivrag Cold Forming Technology – (972).4.9035100

Cold forming products: Vehicle jack components, brake caliper pins, cold formed powertrain components, body and chassis hardware, seat hardware assemblies, modular door hardware components.

Ein Hashofet
Polyrit – (972).8.6746616

Molded foam, flexible, semi rigid and rigid Polyurethane products. Interior decorated panels, head rest, seats, seat cushions, steering wheels, bumpers, gear shift handles for automotive industry. Electronic housings for medical computer equipment.

R.S Industries – (972).8.6896970

Israeli representative of Siemens traffic lights. Tunnel management system, infrastructure nad software development. Traffic surveillance systems. Smart toll and billing systems that identify vehicles by scanning the license plate. Electronic signs on roads.

Tamor SMR – (972).4.6546735

Rubber molded and rubber vulcanized (rubber bonded to metal) parts, solid rubber wheels for heavy vehicles for military and industry. Metal products include fuel and water storage tanks, battery case covers of armored aluminum for the Merkava tank.

Migdal HaEmek
UVeye – (972).

Vehicle inspection system for automatic external inspection of vehicles, using proprietary hardware combined with machine learning and computer-vision algorithms. Detection of a wide variety of mechanical issues, as well as damages to the outer frame of any vehicle.

Tel Aviv