Israel Science and Technology Directory

Biomedical Companies

Biotechnology companies – Medical imaging
Company - Telephone
Products, Fields of specialty
BioView – (972).73.2271025

Automated cell imaging and analysis solutions for use in cytology, cytogenetic, pathology clinical and research laboratories. Applications: Bone marrow transplantation, multiple myeloma, stem cell analysis, interphase FISH analysis, metaphase finder.

DNR- Imaging Systems – (972).9.7798892

UV transilluminators, gel imaging systems.

Neve Yamin
G.I. View – (972).3.6111818

Miniature, self-propelling, self-navigating, disposable camera for colonoscopy screening. Colon inspection system includes a workstation that processes data from the digital camera and reconstructs picture of the entire colonic mucosa.

MedSim Advanced Medical Simulation – (972).9.7421412

Medical simulators using advanced hardware and software for medical training and evaluation of medical skills and competency. UltraSim for ultrasound training and emulation of cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology.

Kfar Saba
Scopio – (972).

Scopio's FDA-cleared Full-Field Peripheral Blood Smear (Full-Field PBS) application supports detection, pre-classification and quantification of blood cells. More AI solutions are under development, including for bone marrow aspirates (BMA).

Tel Aviv