Israel Science and Technology Directory

Aliyah Directory

Associations of Olim (new immigrants) in Israel
OLEIAssociation of Latin-American Immigrants in Israel
Organizacion Latinoamericana, Espana y Portugal en Israel
Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel
ESRAEnglish Speaking Residents Association - Volunteering together for the community09.9508371
Gvahim training and workshops for qualified olim from around the world03.5347538
NBNNefesh B'Nefesh - Aliyah from North America and from the United Kingdom1.212.734.2111
Other Olim organizations
Shavei Israel - Israel returns02.6256230
WCMJWorld Congress of Mountain Jews
World Heritage Center of North African Jews in Jerusalem 02.6235811
Yad L’Olim
AmericaAACIAssociation of Americans and Canadians in Israel02.5661181
AmericaAACIBeit Oleh America - Netanya AACI09.8330950
EgyptHSJEHistorical Society of Jews From Egypt
EthiopiaAssociation for Education and Social Integration of Ethiopian Jews in Israel072.2507400
EthiopiaIAEJIsrael Association of Ethiopian Jews02.6233316
EuropeAICEOAssociation of Israelis of Central European Origin
Vereinigung der Israelis mitteleuropaischer Herkunft
FranceAlef Ledoroth - Association Francophones en Israel02.6234114
FranceAIUAlliance Israelite
GeorgiaWCGJWorld Congress of Georgian Jews03.6204557
LibyaWorld Organization of Libyan Jews03.5336268
LithuaniaAssociation of Jews from Vilna and its Vicinity in Israel03.5616706
LithuaniaAssociation of Lithuanian Jews in Israel03.6964812
MoroccoWorld Federation of Moroccan Jewry
NetherlandsIOHIrgoen Olei Holland03.5625611
RomaniaAMIROrganization of Romanian Expatriates in Israel03.6121533
S. AfricaTelfed - South African Zionist Federation in Israel09.7446110
SyriaDamascus (Syria) Jewry Organization in Israel03.6881567
UKHOBBritish Immigrants' Association
YemenHeritage of Yemenite Jewry09.8331325

@ List of associations on other subjects.