Israel Science and Technology Directory


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K-12 Science Education Centers*
Amal Network of Technological Education InstitutionsMany locations
Bar Ilan University Youth ActivitiesRamat-Gan03.5318207
Beit YatzivBeer Sheva08.6277444
Belmonte Science Center for YouthJerusalem02.6584161
Ben-Gurion University Science Programs for YouthBeer-Sheva08.6472729
Carasso Science ParkBeer-Sheva08.6252600
Center for Educational Technology (CET)Tel Aviv04.6653743
Center of Science and Knowledge for Gifted ChildrenShlomi04.9808249
Da-Gan - National Center for Mathematics, Science and Technology for Pre-SchoolRamat-Gan03.5317179
Davidson Institute of Science EducationRehovot08.9378300
Future Scientists Center
Hemda - Center for Science EducationTel Aviv03.5210800
Israeli Center for Excellence in EducationJerusalem02.6755111
Lautman Unit for Science Oriented YouthTel Aviv03.6408469
National Center for Agricultural Science TeachersRishon Lezion03.9683650
National Center for Biology TeachersRehovot08.9343502
National Center for Computer Science TeachersHaifa04.8292880
National Center for Elementary School Teachers of MathematicsHaifa04.8240646
National Institute for Testing and EvaluationJerusalem02.6759555
Ort Israel - Colleges and Schools for Advanced Technologies and SciencesMany locations03.5203222
Shlomi - Teachers' Training Center in Natural Sciences and TechnologyShlomi
Technion Center for Pre-University EducationHaifa04.8293100
Technoda Science & Technology Education CenterHadera04.6333505

* K-12: Kindergarten - 12th Grade High School.