Israel Science and Technology Directory

Agriculture Companies

Agriculture Companies – Biological control
Company - Telephone
Products, Fields of specialty
Agro-Shelef - (972).52.3926701

Development and production of sustainable bio-pesticides, eco-friendly and non-toxic. TAMAR-TECH is based on fresh emulsion that preserves all the beneficial ingredients of the vegetable oils and at the same time prevents phyto-toxic incidents to the treated plants.

Ein Habsor
Bio-Bee Biological Systems - (972).4.6096905

Mass production and implementation of beneficial insects and mites for agriculture. Natural pollination of greenhouse vegetables using bumblebees Bombus terrestis. Predatory mite for the control of spider mites.

BioDalia Microbiological Technologies - (972).4.9090909

Biological insecticides for moth and mosquito control. Bacillus thuringiensis Bti. Yeast and malolactic bacteria for the wine industry. Biodegradation of surfactant (detergent) contaminants in industrial wastewater. Bioprocess scale-up and manufacturing.

Biofeed - (972).8.9150564

Baited flat panel suspended on trees to lure fruit flies. Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis Capitata (Medfly), Olive fruit fly Bactrocera Oleae control without toxic insecticide residue. Tested hosts: apples, nectarine, sweet cherries, pears, olives etc.

Stockton Group - (972).72.2570000

Eco-friendly crop protection products, herbicide, fungicide and insecticide solutions. Timorex Gold, a non-residue eco-friendly natural biofungicide for the control of Bl.

Petah Tikva
WeedOUT - (972).74.7026740

Weed control by developing a novel biological herbicide to fight off resistant weeds. Development of proprietary weed pollen, applied during weed flowering period to prevent the generation of viable resistant weed seeds.

Nes Ziona