Israel Science and Technology Directory

Israeli Companies Electronics

Electronics Companies – Inspection systems
Company - Telephone
Products, Fields of specialty
Applied Materials Israel - (972).8.9488888

Semiconductor fabrication process diagnostics and control products. Wafer and reticle inspection systems. SEM based metrology systems.

Brossh Inspection Systems - (972).4.9588185

VISION LC machine vision application for mechanical parts, dimension control, defect inspection, microelectronics . Electronics boards, medical parts inspection. Inspection system for stopcocks and cylindrical-type parts. RFID visual inspection.

Camtek AOI Systems - (972).4.6048100

Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) systems and related products for the PCB market. Semiconductor fabrication and packaging.

Migdal HaEmek
Nextec - (972).4.8571308

WIZprobe - 3D optical laser scanning sensor that can be integrated in any CMM system. Applications include quality inspection, digitizing, injection moulding, metalworking and reverse engineering.

Nova Measuring Instruments - (972).73.2295600

Manufacturer of monitoring and measurement systems for the semiconductor industry. Integrated Metrology systems for online control of wafers in production and Integrated Process Control systems for CMP, CVD and Photolithography manufacturing processes.

Orbotech - (972).8.9423533

Manufacturer of equipment for inspecting and imaging circuit boards and display panels using proprietary automated optical inspection (AOI), imaging and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies.

Quali - (972).77.9014000

Cloud Sandbox Software allows you to create and publish sandboxes that are replicas of infrastructure and application configurations and use them for development, testing, demos, training and support. CloudShell VE makes it fast and simple to build and deliver on-demand, virtualized IT environments. CloudShell VE supports AWS, Azure, Openstack, and VMWare.

Ganey Tikva
Rotlex - (972).8.6901144

Manufacture of inspection systems for optical lenses, mostly used in quality control of spectacle and contact lenses. Based on Moire Deflectometry. Output includes power, cylinder, axis, MTF, wavefront and power maps, radius, toricity and optical quality.

Sarine Technologies - (972).9.7903500

Manufacturing of planning and measurement systems for diamonds and gemstones. DiaExpert 2000 - Computerized rough diamond maximization and analysis system that allows diamond cutting with maximum yield possible.

Kfar Saba