| * Directory of Genome Browsers |
| * Ensembl Genome Browser |
| * Ensembl Genomes |
| * Ensembl Invertebrate Metazoa |
| * Ensembl Protists |
| * NCBI Genome Database |
| * NCBI List of Eukaryotic Genome Sequencing Projects |
| @ Plant Genome Databases |
| @ Prokaryotic Genome Databases |
MethBase | A reference methylome database |
| Animal Genome Size Database |
| Aspergillus Genomes |
| Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology |
SilkBase | Bombyx mori genome |
BGD | Bovine Genome Database |
CGD | Candida Genome Database |
| Chicken (Gallus gallus) Genome |
CYORF | Cyanobacteria Gene Annotation Database |
| Cytogenetics Gallery |
OriDB | DNA Replication Origin Database |
wFleaBase | Daphnia Water Flea Genome Database |
diArk | Database for eukaryotic genome and EST sequencing projects |
DGV | Database of Genomic Variants |
DGVa | Database of Genomic Variants archive |
GenAge | Database of genes related to ageing |
dbVar | Database of genomic structural variation |
| Dog Genome Annotation (Canis familiaris) |
FlyBase | Drosophila Genes and Genome Database |
ENCODE | Encyclopedia of DNA Elements |
| Ensembl Tutorial: Browsing genomes |
| Gene Ontology Consortium |
GMOD | Generic Model Organism Database |
G10K | Genome 10K Project: Genomes of 10,000 vertebrate species |
gnomAD | Genome Aggregation Database |
| Genome Sequencing Consortiums and Centers |
GWIDD | Genome Wide Docking Database |
| Genomes OnLine Database |
euGenes | Genomic Information for Eukaryotic Organisms |
WormBase | Genomics and biology of C. elegans and related nematodes |
GiardiaDB | Giardia lamblia Genomics Resource |
| Google Cloud Life Sciences |
| Honey Bee Genome Project - Apis mellifera |
HGD | Hymenoptera Genome Database |
GeneLoc | Integrated map for each human chromosome |
IGSR | International Genome Sample Resource |
IMPC | International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium |
IRDB | Inverted Repeats Database in genomic DNA |
| JGI Genome Portal |
| KEGG Organisms: Complete Genomes |
KEGG | Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes |
MGI | Mouse Genome Informatics |
| Mouse Genomes Project |
| Mouse Genomic Imprinting |
| NCBI Human Genome - Guide to Online Information |
| Nematode Genomes |
PharmGKB | Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase |
PlasmoDB | Plasmodium Genome Resource |
RGD | Rat Genome Database |
dictyBase | Resource for the biology and genomics of Dictyostelium discoideum |
SGD | Saccharomyces Genome Database |
PomBase | Schizosaccharomyces pombe Genome Project |
| Sea Urchin Genome Project - Strongylocentrotus purpuratus |
| Telomerase Database |
TGD | Tetrahymena Genome Database |
| UCSC Genome Bioinformatics |
VEGA | Vertebrate Genome Annotation database |
Xenbase | Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis biology and genomics resource |
| Zebrafish Genome Annotation (Danio rerio) |
ZFIN | Zebrafish Information Network |
15k | i5k: Sequencing Five Thousand Arthropod Genomes |