Israel Science and Technology Directory


Plant Genome Databases
* Ensembl Fungi
Ensembl* Ensembl Plants - Plant genomes
TAIRArabidopsis Information database of genetic and molecular biology data for Arabidopsis thaliana
Biology of Rare Alleles in Maize and its Wild Relatives
CCDBChromosome Counts Database for plant chromosome numbers
CGKBCrop Genebank Knowledge Base
GrameneData resource for comparative functional genomics in crops and model plant species
PlantPromDatabase of Plant Promoter Sequences
TropGENEGenetics and genomics of tropical crops: sugarcane, banana, cocoa
GrainGenes is a suite of services for the Triticeae and Oat
Grape Genome Browser
IPCNIndex to Plant Chromosome Numbers
MaizeGDBMaize Genetics and Genomics Database for Zea mays
Maize genome browser Zea mays
Plant DNA C-values Database
PlantGDBPlant Genome Database, EST and GSS databases
Plant List - A working list of all known plant species
PPDBPlant Proteome DataBase for Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea mays)
PlnTFDBPlant Transcription Factor Database
PLAZAPlant comparative genomics
Rice Genome Annotation Project Database
SoyBase and the Soybean Breeder's Toolbox
GreenPhylDBWeb resource for comparative and functional genomics in plants
Wheat Genome Database