| * Ensembl Fungi |
Ensembl | * Ensembl Plants - Plant genomes |
TAIR | Arabidopsis Information database of genetic and molecular biology data for Arabidopsis thaliana |
| Biology of Rare Alleles in Maize and its Wild Relatives |
CCDB | Chromosome Counts Database for plant chromosome numbers |
CGKB | Crop Genebank Knowledge Base |
Gramene | Data resource for comparative functional genomics in crops and model plant species |
PlantProm | Database of Plant Promoter Sequences |
TropGENE | Genetics and genomics of tropical crops: sugarcane, banana, cocoa |
| GrainGenes is a suite of services for the Triticeae and Oat |
| Grape Genome Browser |
IPCN | Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers |
MaizeGDB | Maize Genetics and Genomics Database for Zea mays |
| Maize genome browser Zea mays |
| Plant DNA C-values Database |
PlantGDB | Plant Genome Database, EST and GSS databases |
| Plant List - A working list of all known plant species |
PPDB | Plant Proteome DataBase for Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea mays) |
PlnTFDB | Plant Transcription Factor Database |
PLAZA | Plant comparative genomics |
| Rice Genome Annotation Project Database |
| SoyBase and the Soybean Breeder's Toolbox |
GreenPhylDB | Web resource for comparative and functional genomics in plants |
| Wheat Genome Database |